Efficient Service, Quick Response
Parts Inquiry and Quotation
Parts Preparation
Logistics Delivery
- 24-hour Quotation
- Multilingual online parts catalogue, shopping cart can place orders with one click
- 24-hour Parts order processing
- 10 working days average for preparing period
- Various ways of transportation: sea way, land way, air way and express, etc.
Global Network Coverage, Wide Range Of Products
Sales Network
Spare Parts Inventory
- 57 overseas parts centers serve as Higer parts dealers, which covers 88 countries
- Higer grants the authorization of Higer parts sales, files Higer brand in China Customs, which prevents Higer dealers from selling parts in other sales area
- 10 million USD inventory value
- 30,000 parts items
Sufficient Reserves, Fast Delivery
Warehouse Area
Ability of Packing
- Four times per year
- 4,000 Square meters
- 30 professional packers, ability to pack one container per day